Map Warcraft 3 Pokemon Defense


Warcraft 3 Maps The best Warcraft 3 custom maps site. Pokemon Defense 3.3b Download. Pokemon Defence 3.3b Download. Pokemon Defense 3.3b Download.

Here are a few legendary Pokemon and how you get them. I sadlydon't know how to get Groudon, Deyoxis, rayquaza, giratina orKyogre.

Articuno Hatch a mystery egg in the upper left corner of the map(in the waterfall) (Articuno can hold or drop a frozen feather)

Zapdos Hatch a mystery egg in the lower left corner of the map(near the shop in the electric storm) ( Zapdos can hold or drop apower supply)

Moltress Hatch a mytery egg in the lower right corner of the map(where the fire is) (Moltress can hold or drop the flame ofMoltress)

Lugia Get a Pokemon that has strength as ability (likeCharizard). Make sure you get a frozen feather by killing Articuno(has 25% chance of dropping it). Use strength near the boulders inthe water zone (close to a cave entrance). Enter the cave, and walknear the trees. The trees will disappear (so will your frozenfeather) and walk further. You will see Lugia now. (Lugia can holdor drop a Lugia essence)

Ho-Oh Make sure you kill all three legendary birds (Articuno,Zapdos and Moltress) and get the flame of Moltress from Moltress.Then go to the middle right of the map, where the burning house is.You will be able to go in. Walk towards the door, and kill thesecond door that blocks the way (that one is vulnerable). Walkfurther, DO NOT GO INTO THE PORTAL! Go right, and you will seeHo-Oh. (Ho-Oh can hold or drop a Ho-Oh essence)

Celebi Kill the 2 trees in the grass area (at the top right ofthe map). For that, you should use a good psychic Pokemon. ThenCelebi will come. (Celebi can hold or drop a strange egg)

Mew Get 3 mysterious eggs and 1 pokepouch (free capture is alsohandy). Go to the upper right of the map, where a cave entrance iswith a door in front of it. Wait till it's night, then the doorwill disappear. Go as far into the cave entrance as you can, anduse the 3 mysterious eggs. Then use the pokepouch. Mew will appearafter a short while.

Mewtwo Make sure you get Mew, the Ho-oh essence and Lugiaessence. Give Mew the 2 essences, and Mewtwo will appear. !WARNING!you will only be able to have 2 Pokemon because Mew willdisappear!!! MAKE SURE YOU HAVE 1 OPEN POKEMON SLOT!

Manaphy Make sure you get 2 frozen feathers from Articuno. Alsomake sure you get the strange egg from Celebi. Go to the psychicPokemon zone and go into the small puddle with those black thingsin it. The frozen feathers will disappear, and the egg will hatchinto Manaphy. !WARNING! Manaphy will have a stats swap ability.It's very useful, but it will ruin the game for the people you swapstats with.

Power supply , for Zapdos.use the power supply near the powerplant (windy area bottom left , in normal pokemon zone )

Flame of Moltres , for Moltres (obviously) use the flame ofmoltres on the lava with the 4 fire columns , bottom right (nearthe end of fire pokemon zone)

Icy feather : for Articuno , use the Icy Feather on thewaterfall , top left of the map (near the end of the water pokemonzone )

Mew's tory : for Mew , use Mew's Toy in the night on the topright of the map , where is a gate which opens only at dusk.gothere at dusk and use it.

Mew's Dna : for Mewtwo , use Mew's Dna at the top of the map ,when you are close to the laboratory , mewtwo will come out..

With the artifacts of Johto:

Flaming dog whistle : for Entei (entei means flame emperor injapanese ) use the flaming dog whistle at the crater found at thetop of the fire pokemon zone.

Wet dog whistle : for Suicune (this is also japanese, don't knowwhat it means though , something with water) use the wet dogwhistle at the obelisk found in the middle of water pokemonarea

Charged dog whistle : for Raikou ( same goes for this ) use thecharged dog whistle at the tip of the arrow in the electric pokemonarea.the arrow is found right above the end of the map , nootright nor left , in the middle.

Silver feather : for lugia , go to the cave in the water pokemonarea , reach the end , there's a different terrain , use itthere.

Shiny rainbow feather : for Ho-Oh (this one's really powerful)go to the flaming tower on the right , turn left at the 2 turns ,move ahead a bit , you'll find 2 fire torches , use it betweenthem.

Warcraft 3 Maps Free Download

with the artifacts of Hoenn:

Warcraft maps download

Ancient Tablet : for Regirock , Registeel , Regiice . betweenthe psychic pokemon area and the grass pokemon area , there is acave entrance of 4 rocks.go in will find 3 circles ofpower.right is registeel , top is regirock , left is regiicechoose a circle , step inside it and use the Ancient tablet..

Red orb : for Groudon , on the right side of the map , below thegrass pokemon area and above the fire pokemon area , there is acave blocked by rocks.break the rocks go in , move forward and youwill find some lava terrain.use the red orb there

Blue orb : For Kyogre , this is the hardest one to get, belowLugia's cave , there is an entrance although it does not look likean entrance , just walk through the shallow waters and you willteleport somewhere else , there , go a bit far from the lever onthe rocks , and left-click it . you will be transported across .next to another lever . then move will find a watery area ,like a pond , use the blue orb go back , stand close tothe lever and left-click it . you will be transported back whereyou came from.then just go back.

Meteor Fragment : for Deoxys , go next to the power plant* inthe windy area and use the meteor fragment , deoxys will come(*read how to get zapdos to find where the power plant is)

With the artifacts of Sinnoh:

Most times these artifacts will drop other artifacts of otherregions , but when they don't , they drop the items needed for therarest legendaries inthe game.

Strange Egg : for Manaphy , go to the pond with the black spots, above the north poke-ball shop , get in the pond , and use thestrange egg . manaphy will come

Dimensional distortion : for Giratina , go above the normalpokemon area and below the water pokemon area , there's a caveentrance. go in , don't enter the portal , head straight ahead andyou will find a different terrain , use the Dimensional Disortionthere .

Glowing molten rock : for Heatran , go to the cave in the firearea , left of the place where you can find Moltres . enter thecave , go right , use the glowing molten rock on the lava there .Heatran will spawn .

Shard of the New moon : for Darkrai , go bottom left , near tothat tomb-like crypt (when you get close your pokemon will be putto sleep for awhile automatically , that's due to the presence ofDarkrai.) get to the steps of that crypt and use Shard of the newmoon . Darkrai will come .

Tribute to the gods : for Arceus (which is considered the godand creator of all Pokemon world , in this version though , i don'tbelieve it lives up to it's name.although it's pretty good. )so ,go to the big temple below the south poke-ball shop . enter thetemple , go straight ahead , and you will find 6 or 7 portals theone next to the other . don't try to enter the portals , just standinfront of the middle one , and use the Tribute to the gods .Arceus will come..

Now the two specials :

Celebi and Regigigas

Celebi : Destroy the two trees raging in the grass pokemon area, celebi will come ,it's a tough one , so be careful .

Regigigas : Gather all 3 Regies (registeel , regiice , regirock) and enter the cave found right of the waterfall in the waterpokemon area . move ahead and you will find a big giant . the 3regies will be turned into 1 , Regigigas . this guy is the besttank in the game , really something you can depend on to put firstin the final battle .

How do you get legendary Pokemon in Warcraft III Pokemon World 9.0 map?

You first download the game, then get to the right place, and catch the legendary, even if it does not exist because i might not, catch it with a powerful pokeball. Read More

Pokemon World 7.2 Warcraft III map guide to all the pokemons including the legendary?

Well it includes most legendaries but, it dosent include arceus or Giratina Read More

How do you get the legendaries Pokemon in Warcraft III Pokemon World 7.2 map?

cara menangkapnya pake pokeball.. semua Pokemon legendaris ditangkap dengan pokeball. Read More

Where to get Reign of chaos world editor?

Warcraft 3: Reign Of Chaos editor should be installed inside the Warcraft III folder labeled 'Warcraft III World Editor'. Read More

What does shard of the new moon do in Pokemon world 9.0 on warcraft III Frozen Throne?

you go to the bottom left and use it to get darkai Read More

What is with the giant thing in Warcraft 3 Pokemon world?

The giant thing in Warcraft III: Pokemon World is your imagination. There is no such game and if there were, the world would probably end on its release date. There is, however, a play made map for WC3 called Pokemon World - if that's what you're talking about then I have no idea. Read More

Warcraft III Pokemon World?

is a custom map created game where you train your Pokemon with a team of people, the other team competes training similar Pokemon and then once time is up the 2 teams duke it out in an area Read More

Who is Arthas in World of Warcraft?

He is what you know now as the Lich King. But he was better known as Arthas in Warcraft I, Warcraft II, Warcraft III, as a holy warrior (paladin )that has fought scourge. Read More

What is the best Warcraft game?

Who makes World of Warcraft?

Blizzard makes World Of Warcraft(WoW). Blizzard is a gaming company that has also made Warcraft I, II, and III. they have also desinged Diablo and Starcraft Read More

What is the instaaling code for Warcraft III?

Different disks have different codes. The code for your Warcraft III should be on the case of the disk. Read More

Is there an offline game that's basically World of Warcraft?

There's Warcraft III and its pretty much like the MMORPG version. Read More

What does Shard of New Moon do in Pokemon World 7.5 on Warcraft III Frozen Throne?

it used to summon darkrai, use it on the bottom left on sumething like a litle ruin Read More

How do you create an own map in frozen throne?

Warcraft 3 World Editor, it should be located at your local Warcraft III file. Read More

What is the Warcraft CD key?

Map Warcraft 3 Pokemon Defense

The Warcraft CD-Key is a verification key that allows you to play Warcraft III. It is normally found on the inside of your Warcraft III box. But if your looking to buy one, then search the internet as they can be bought cheaply Read More

Warcraft Maps Download

Did blizzard develop World of Warcraft?

Ayup. Blizzard started with Warcraft Orcs and Humans in 1994 and it grew from there to World of Warcraft in 2004. Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994) - real-time strategy game Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (1995) Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (1996) - expansion pack to Tides of Darkness Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (2002) Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (2003) - expansion pack to Reign of Chaos World of Warcraft (2004) - MMORPG Read More

Which is the best World of Warcraft game?

Are you asking for the best Warcraft game? Or the best battlegrounds in World of Warcraft? If the best Warcraft game, then single player: III, The Frozen Throne. If you mean battlegrounds then I think Arathi is more fun than Warsong and Alterac Valley. Read More

How do you open the Warcraft 3 world editor?

Go to Start> All programms> Warcraft III> World Editor (windows XP/vista/7) Read More

How do you get moltress and Articuno in Warcraft III Pokemon World 7.2 map?

you need a Pokemon egg, then go to fire Pokemon base.. there is a little lava plate.. hatch the egg there to get moltress... you have to go water place and wind some ice plate.. hatch there to get articuno by: xions Read More

Will they make Warcraft the frozen throne?

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne is already out, and has been out for some time. Read More

The whole story line of World of Warcraft from the beginning all the way to mists of pandaria?

The whole storyline of World of Warcraft would be too big to fit into an answer. Here is a timeline of the games and expansions. More info can be found at the related link below. Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Warcraft II Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal Warcraft III Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne World of Warcraft World of Warcraft: Assault on Blackwing Lair World… Read More

Where can you download Warcraft III Frozen Throne?

On Warcraft III farmer How do you get hides?

What do the naga say when you move them on Warcraft III?

Where can i find a full installation guide for Warcraft III Frozen Throne and is it available for download?

buy a new game and enjoy it cannot download warcraft III bcoz sometimes it crash.. Read More

Is there an autorefresh option for Warcraft 3? Read More

How much is monthly subscription Warcraft?

The monthly subscription rate for World of Warcraft is available as $14.99 for one month, $41.97 for 3 months, or $77.94 for 6 months. The Warcraft II and Warcraft III games do not have a subscription service and are free to play matches online. Read More

What does World of Warcraft mean?

World of Warcraft is a Massively Multi-Player Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) set in the Warcraft universe. It features characters from the Real Time Strategy (RTS) single player games Warcraft, Warcraft II, and Warcraft III, as well as some possible characters thrown in from some of the Warcraft books, and comic books. It is a persistent game, meaning when you log out, the world is still going on (on the servers). Read More

What are the release dates for Warcraft III Reign of Chaos - 2002 VG?

Warcraft III Reign of Chaos - 2002 VG was released on: USA: 25 June 2002 Read More

What are the ratings and certificates for Warcraft III Reign of Chaos - 2002 VG?

Warcraft III Reign of Chaos - 2002 VG is rated/received certificates of: South Korea:15 Read More

Where can I download Warcraft world editor for the Frozen Throne 1.21 Pls give me link?

The World Editor for Warcraft III Reign of Chaos (Plus the expansion, Warcraft III The Frozen Throne) already come with the game. Unless you want to be a pirate and get charged for illegally downloading the game unlike the previous answer was saying, it's better off to pay the $40 for it, install, patch it up to the version you are requesting, then open the program in the Warcraft III Directory called 'World Editor'. So… Read More

What movie and television projects has Glenn Stafford been in?

Glenn Stafford has: Performed in 'WarCraft II: Tides of Darkness' in 1995. Performed in 'Diablo' in 1996. Played Magistrate Collins in 'StarCraft' in 1998. Performed in 'Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos' in 2002. Performed in 'Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne' in 2003. Performed in 'World of Warcraft' in 2004. Played Additional Voices in 'StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty' in 2010. Read More

Can you use an Xbox 360 controller for warcraft III on your PC?

When playing Word Of Warcraft do you have to have the first game?

No. I had Warcraft I, II and III on my laptop but not on my desktop, WoW loaded great without them. Read More

How do you get new account password in Warcraft III?

Check the blizzard Warcraft III section and try to find a way there, there would have to be a way to do it. If you can't find it, go to support and search a way to get your new password. Read More

In Warcraft III World Editor how do you make it so items do not stack?

you dont put them to close to each other Read More


Code key for Warcraft III regin of the chaos what is it?

it is the game edtion! and the code key is a code to create an account to play, such as Read More

Can you unlock Arthas's story in Warcraft 3?

You do not 'unlock' anything in Warcraft III story related. They come naturally as you continue through the game. However, I am sorry to inform you that if you do not own the expansion to Warcraft III: Rain of Chaos, you cannot play the Human campaign with Arthas found in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. You can purchase The Frozen Throne at a local store in the popular 'Battle Chest' box, or order it online. Read More

What map on Warcraft III has a Tavern?

What are some games like warcraft III but with no install or download?

What is a Warcraft 3 directory?

Warcraft 3's Default Directory On Windows is: C:Program FilesWarcraft III In this situation A directory is the path you use to find a particular file Read More

What have blizzard entertainment games invented?

They have created many series of games, which include: Warcraft: Orcs and Humans Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal (expansion) Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Warcraft III: Frozen Throne (expansion) Starcraft Starcraft: Brood War (expansion) Starcraft II (in production) Starcraft Ghost (in production.. maybe?) Diablo Diablo II Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (expansion) World of Warcraft World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade (expansion) World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich… Read More

Where can you play Warcraft 3 reign of chaos online for free?

Warcraft III is not an online game. Nor is it free. It has a multiplayer option that is online through You must have a valid CD key for your Warcraft III installation in order to link it to a account to be able to access any online content. Read More

Who made roflcopter?

ROFLcopter was invented by a Blizzard moderator on the Warcraft III forum. Read More

This is a hack of Pokemon Glazed, made by redriders180, or Lucbui. Plenty of changes regarding Pokemon, including stat changes, movepool. Mega evolution seems like a lot of work to implement, as I am not fond of the. Feb 20, 2016 - Pokemon Glazed (beta 7: final) is a rom hack of Pokemon Emerald (GBA). Play it with. Mega Evolution is a permanent change. Pokemon glazed evolution changes 2017. Pokemon glazed evolution changes POKEMON BATTLE SPOT CHEATERS HACKER EXPOSED on the Pokemon Battle Spot! They were yelling and The. I need some informations about pokemon evolving. In blazed glazed. If you're talking about the evolution changes specific to this game, see.

Where can you find a dot hack maul map for Warcraft III The Frozen Throne?

........................................................ Read More

How can you put your map from Warcraft 3 editor to Warcraft 3?

In order to use your map from WorldEditor all you have to do is save it (C:Program FilesWarcraft IIIMaps) Then find it under Custom games. Read More

How do you install the downloaded dota?

'Defense of the Ancients' cannot be installed, as it is simply a map file for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos/The Frozen Throne, like Hands of Sorrow Knight, Battletanks, etc. You require Warcraft III and its expansion installed first. Read More

Warcraft 3 Pokemon Defense Cheats

When does warcraft come out?

It has been out since 1994. 'Warcraft : Orcs and Humans' was released in 1994, followed by 'Warcraft II Tides of Darkness' in 1995, an addon for Warcraft II, 'Beyond the Dark Portal' then 'Warcraft II: Edition', followed by 'Warcraft III Reign of Chaos' in 2002 and it's addon- 'The Frozen Throne' in 2003. 'World of Warcraft' (online) was released November 23, 2004 and it expansions include: 'The Burning Crusade' (2007) and 'Wrath of… Read More

In the Warcraft III map Angel Arena Domination how do you get god's tome?

What download warcraft III frozen throne no-CD?

This entry was posted on 5/27/2019.